One Thing That Hamilton Does After Every Race Revealed By Billy Monger

Sunday, 11 August 2024 at 22:00
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British racing driver Billy Monger shared what he learned from seven-time World Champion Lewis Hamilton, who shared some of his secrets with him.
Billy Monger was a Formula 4 driver when he was involved in a devastating accident at Donington Park. As a result of the horrible crash, he had to have both of his legs amputated.
It is incredible that, through all his resilience, Monger managed to return to motorsport, drive specially modified vehicles, and compete in the British F3 Championship.
Throughout the period since his accident, Lewis Hamilton has been a big supporter of the British driver. The seven-time World Champion has publicly expressed admiration for the 25-year-old's determination and courage.
Apparently, Hamilton has become somewhat of a mentor to Monger at a certain point and shared some of his biggest secrets of how to become one of the best racing drivers ever. Speaking on the Daily Mirror's Invite Only podcast, Monger said:
“"Yeah, we still keep in touch. He was my idol growing up. So just to spend time so close to people like that, yeah, is hugely inspiring for me."”
“"He is the best of all time. He has given me a few tips around how he prepares. I can't give away his secrets now, can I?"”
While he didn't want to give away the Mercedes driver's best secrets, the 25-year-old shared one thing that Hamilton does to continue after every single race to continue improving even now when he's 39 years old.
“"But I can tell you he writes a lot of notes after every single time he drives. He makes sure he writes (what happened) down diligently after every session."”
“"So, if he turns up at a track five years later and it's similar conditions, he's got the notes ready there to reflect on. They're the details that make you a champion"”