'Confident' Leclerc Predicts 'Strong' Ferrari Performance In Monaco

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 14:00
charles leclerc ferrari48
Charles Leclerc shared his expectations ahead of this week's eighth race weekend of the 2024 season at Circuit de Monaco.
Born and living in Monaco until today, Charles Leclerc knows the circuit perhaps better than any other driver on the current F1 grid. All drivers dream of winning their home race, and the 26-year-old is no exception.
Leclerc has come very close to victory on multiple occasions, but some unlucky circumstances always tend to prevent him from snatching that P1 in his home country.
All the mechanical problems, strategic errors, and misfortunes in the past led to a notion of a "curse" (you might have heard the term "Monaco Curse" in the past) affecting Leclerc's results in Monaco, but he felt confident speaking to the media after the most recent race:

"Monaco is very special for me. True that it hasn't been the most successful race for me until now. However, the pace was always there and that gives me the confidence that it will be the case this year too."

"However, Monaco is so specific that we need to start a little bit from a blank page. And yeah, free practice is super, super important to build the pace little by little. But I'm confident we'll be strong."

Leclerc used to travel by bus on the roads where he will drive an F1 car this weekend. Consequently, he cannot emphasize enough what this home race means to him.

"And as I've said many times, obviously, it's the same roads that I took by bus to go to school when I was younger. Now it's in a Formula 1 car. So that makes it extra special for me."

"So I'm really looking forward to it. To be in Monaco, a very special track I think for every driver because it's a very challenging track and extra special for me, as it's my home race."