Williams Team Principal Excited For New Season With His Hands On Car Development

Tuesday, 26 December 2023 at 10:00
sargeant logan williams car2
Willam team principal James Vowles shared his excitement over the new season with a team that will be completely under his control.
James Vowles joined the Williams ahead of the 2023 season. However, the direction of Williams's car concept was already predefined and could not be very influenced by the team principal.
After spending a year with the team and achieving seventh place in the Championship, Vowles said he looks forward to the next season with a new car built under his leadership. As reported by motorsport.com, he said:

"I joined at a point this year where we could still have an impact on the car, but next year is really the sort of putting together of minds as to how we completely shift direction. And I'm actually really looking forward to how that turns out in four or five months' time."

Alex Albon revealed his team has focused on the development of the 2024 car ever since the beginning of the 2023 season. What's more, Williams has a new Chief Technical Officer, Pat Fry.

"More so I've got Pat alongside me now. He knows how to do this, he's revered up and down the lane. Ask anyone near enough, and you've got a good chap in Pat."

The fact that Williams team pretty much wrote the 2023 season off would suggest we can see big changes with the 2024 car, but the team principal said the chassis for example should stay very similar.

"You're not going to change your chassis, but with the direction of travel we are in, there are still things we can tune before we get to Bahrain."

Albon lately stated he believes he deserves to be fighting for the podiums, but Williams seemed to be a long way off his target during the most recent season.
On the other hand, the Aston Martin team, which achieved eight podiums this season, finished in the exact same position as Williams the season before. So it is possible we might see Williams driver on a podium in 2024.